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Important Tips and Tricks

Tip 1:
How to Setup SQL State Server
The following steps should be executed on the SQL Server machine
Step 1: Goto :\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ Directory in DOS Prompt
Step 2: Execute the following command :
aspnet_regsql.exe -ssadd -sstype p -U -P
Step 3: Verify that ASPState Database is created
Step 4: Verify that Tables and Stored Procedures created in ASPState Database are as shown in Figure Below:

Step 5: Open Administrative Tools, and then click Services
Step 6: In details Panel, right-click ASP.NET State Service, and then cProperties
Step 7: On the General tab, in the Startup type listbox, click Automatic
Step 8: Under Service status click Start, and then click OK. The State service starts automatically when the Webserver is restarted

Step 9: Modify the Session State Configuration in Application's web.config file to:

sessionstate timeout="20" cookieless="false" sqlconnectionstring="data source=server;user id=uid;password=pwd" mode="SQLServer"

Technology Skills:
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Interview Q&A:
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Management Skills:
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